
Seestüberl, Restaurant

Absolutely worth seeing. All year round! The family-run restaurant Seestüberl with its large sun terrace offers guests an informal, cosy atmosphere to satisfy their hunger with a real delicacy, or to let their gaze wander over the clear Rohrsee with a cup of coffee and a cake fresh from the oven. Simply relax and enjoy the moment. The Kaml family is looking forward to spoiling you in their Seestüberl.

Opening Hours

5. January 2025 - 20. April 2025
17:00 - 21:30
17:00 - 21:30
17:00 - 21:30
17:00 - 21:30

additional information

Meals from 05:00pm to 09:30pm

Open from Thursday to Sunday

Seestüberl, Restaurant

Flachauwinklstraße 212
5542, Flachau
0043 6457 2837 info@hinterrohr.at http://www.hinterrohr.at

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