
Hoagascht, Restaurant & Bar

An old cowshed is simply converted into a modern restaurant and Austrian cuisine is interpreted in an Asian way. In the Hoagascht you can now find the most amazing creations, which you will certainly search in vain for on other menus. The chef himself and his well-coordinated team always manage to surprise the guests with special delicacies. Great importance is attached to regional and seasonal products. Meat from local farmers, fish from their own pond or spices and herbs from their own garden. Because good food is a pleasure for all the senses. Come and see for yourself.

Opening Hours

5. December 2024 - 20. April 2025
11:30 - 23:59
11:30 - 23:59
11:30 - 23:59
11:30 - 23:59
11:30 - 23:59
11:30 - 23:59
11:30 - 23:59

additional information

Meals from 11:30am to 10:00pm

Hoagascht, Restaurant & Bar

Flachauer Straße 14
5542, Flachau
0043 6457 32490 hoagascht@sbg.at http://www.hoagascht.at

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